Friday, September 27, 2013

My crazy awesome life

This past spring I was lucky enough to have gotten a shot at a crazy, fabulous job.  I moved from coordinating the US corn supply to being the Global Demand Planning Super User... crazy title right! This job entails traveling to our global regions and helping them implement new planning processes.  I'm blessed! It's been my dream to get to travel and now I get to do my awesome job and see the globe... Fantastic! 

First stop...  Antwerp, Belgium

  Cathedral Square.  The beginning of the resteraunt center of the Old City.   

  Sunny, beautiful blue skies, the grote guild in front and the breeze of the North Sea ticking my neck. 

   Did I mention the North Sea! 

   The Grote Market built on Spice Trade, The Stadhuis (town hall) was completed in 1564.

My co-worker Sarath, we had mulled wine in the underground caverns that were carved out by the priests during the Spanish Inquisition.  How cool is that!

 One rainy Saturday we took a break from work and boarded the high speed train to Amsterdam.  canal cruises, shopping and the red light district.  Sarath said no pictures of the Red Light district or the Russian Mafia would get me

The most bridge in Amsterdam... Or so our cruise guy told us.

The Amsterdam Science Center... Thanks Amsterdam for the good time!

Until next time, Dank U!

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